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Double Bass Lessons

Double Bass - Lesson One

This lesson is designed to teach you the very basics of playing two bass drum pedals. The five exersizes below only make use of the two pedals, so you are not distracted by trying to play other parts of the kit. It is important that you focus on playing even strokes from both pedals. Most drummers will find their right foot is significantly stronger from previous drumming experience, so it is vital that you focus on training your left foot to keep up.

Double Bass - Lesson Two

Here in Double Bass Lesson Two you will learn how to incorporate both pedals into beats that use more components of the drumkit. Although they are fairly simple - it is key that you focus on playing both pedals with even strokes. This was brought up in Lesson One, and is being repeated here just to be sure the message gets across. Playing sloppy strokes with your left foot now may hamper your future playing.

Double Bass - Lesson Three

This lesson is similar to the last one. Here you will learn slightly more complex beats that make use of even more double bass playing. Some of the beats have parts that lead off the left foot (no right stroke played before it). This can be a little tricky at first, so you'll want to work your way through them slowly when first learning. Above all - remember that the key to playing double bass is getting even strokes from both feet.

Double Bass - Lesson Four

This lesson introduces the concept of playing eighth note triplet patterns that incorporate double bass playing. This will make things a little tricker for beginners - especially if they don't have experience playing triplet beats. It can be challenging because the left foot will actually be leading the two and four counts. This is where the strength you have built-up in your left foot (in the first three lessons) begins to pay off.

Double Bass - Lesson Five

This lesson will introduce you to playing 32nd note patterns on double pedals. It is important to play these faster notes evently and in-time with the rest of the beat, so be sure to start off at a slower tempo. In fact, when first learning these beats - you will want to play at about half the speed you would use when starting to learn sixteenth note patterns. This way physical limitations won't be an added complication in the learning process.

Double Bass - Lesson Six

This lesson introduces sixteenth note triplets into the mix. Here you will be using the double pedals in an all new and challenging way. It is highly recommended that you master eighth note triplet patterns before moving on to these more difficult grooves. Always remember - even though the right foot leads on all four quarter note counts - the strength and control of your left foot is key to delivering a consistent sound.

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