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Jazz Lessons

Jazz Drumming - Lesson One

This lesson will guide you through the basics of Jazz drumming. It starts out with the basic ride and hi-hat foot pattern and goes on to show you how to add the kick and snare patterns over top of it. The grooves are in 4/4 as eighth note triplets counted "one, and, a, two, and, a, three, and, a, four, and, a". However, the feel and flow of the pattern is more like "one... two... a, three... four... a, one" (overlapping on the one to start the repeat).

Jazz Drumming - Lesson Two

This lesson follows where the last one left off. It continues to build on the basic ride and hi-hat foot pattern, but now begins to add snare and kick strokes outside of that pattern (the snare and kick don't always land on a ride or hi-hat foot stroke). This adds significant complexity and should only be attempted once you have a solid grasp of the basic jazz foundation. All the beats are still in 4/4 using eighth note triplets.

Jazz Drumming - Lesson Three

This lesson adds additional complexity over the basic Jazz pattern. It will challenge you to do more with your snare and kick drum while keeping the Jazz pattern grooving in the background. Remember to relax while playing the drums - especially Jazz music. It's more about the feel of the strokes than the actual hitting of the various drums. Try listening to some classic Jazz tracks if you want to improve your ear.

Jazz Drumming - Lesson Four

This lesson contains another set of variations overtop of the basic jazz pattern. All the beats are 4/4 as eighth note triples like previous lessons, but include some unique kick and snare patterns designed to push your limb independence to the next level. Master these grooves and you will be well on your way to becoming a solid jazz drummer.

Jazz Drumming - Lesson Five

This lesson continues to build on limb independence over the basic jazz pattern. These patterns may appear easier than some of the previous lessons, but can be significantly harder to play. The kick and snare patterns on their own are fairly simple, but become more difficult when combined with the jazz groove holding it all together. As with past lessons - all of the beats are played in 4/4 as eighth note triplets.

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