Drum lesson Pic
Drummers: Play Blazing Fast Doubles on your Kick Drum - click here.

About BreakSticks.com

BreakSticks was launched by Rick Kettner in May of 2005. It's purpose is to provide quality sheet music for drum students and teachers around the world. This free resource is quickly setting a standard in the drum community based on it's PDF delivery system.

About Rick Kettner

Rick Kettner is the founder of BreakSticks.com and currently manages the technical elements of the website. He is a practiced drummer, and has been playing for over four years. He studied primarily under Lionel Duperon and Jared Falk.

Over the years he has played in bands ranging from general rock to heavier emo-punk. His drumming experience is primarily focused around heavier rock and double bass drumming. In addition, he also has experience as a gigging bassist.

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