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Drum Fill Lessons

Drum Fills - Lesson One

This lesson is designed to get you started in playing drum fills. All of the fills here are based on straight eighth note patterns around the drum kit. They should be played with alternating single strokes starting with your lead hand. Once you've mastered them you may consider practicing each using your weaker hand to lead. Most can also be played in double strokes (r, r, l, l, r, r, l, l...) leading with either hand.

Drum Fills - Lesson Two

This lesson continues where the last one left off. All of the fills are still based on eighth note patterns that are played around the drum kit with alternating single strokes. Remember that while it is best to first master the patterns using your stronger hand to lead - it is also important that you reverse the sticking and practice leading with your weaker hand too.

Drum Fills - Lesson Three

This lesson takes what you've learned in the last two, and applies it in the form of sixteenth notes. Depending on the time signature of the beat you are playing - this can make these fills have a very different feel than those in the first two lessons. Be sure you practice these fills along to a click track - transitioning in and out of drum beats of various time signatures.

Drum Fills - Lesson Four

Like the last one, this lesson contains sixteenth note-based fills. However, unlike the last lesson, here you will find broken up patterns. They include eighth notes, eighth note rests, sixteen notes, and sixteenth note rests. You will likely find these fills significantly more challenging that the previous lessons, so be sure you go through them slowly with a click track at first.

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