Drum lesson Pic
Drummers: Play Blazing Fast Doubles on your Kick Drum - click here.

Funk Lessons

Funk Drumming - Lesson One

This lesson is a basic introduction to Funk drumming. The beats are pretty straight forward and are based around hitting the first snare shot on the "a" of the one count (instead of being right on the two count). You might consider getting some funk records to play along with. It can sometimes help to understand where the groove and emphasis sits.

Funk Drumming - Lesson Two

This lesson picks up where the last one left off. It is still based around the basic Funk concept of hitting the first snare shot on the "a" of one, but now with the hi-hats being played as eighth notes. Once you've mastered the beats on this page you should be fairly comfortable with the style of music, and may consider creating some of your own grooves based around the same beat structure.

Funk Drumming - Lesson Three

This lesson takes Funk drumming to the next level. Here you will be playing sixteen note patterns on the hi-hats, and filling in the basic Funk feel on the kick and snare. The hi-hat strokes aren't straight sixteen notes, but instead played in groups of three with a rest on the "a". Be sure to go through the first two lessons before playing these beats. It's important that you are comfortable with the style before adding more compexity.

Funk Drumming - Lesson Four

This lesson is designed to build on hi-hat independence within Funk drumming. It is similar to the last one, but is based around a shifted hi-hat pattern. The groups of three sixteenth notes are all bumped down an eighth note step. The rest now sits on the "e" of each count. Once you've mastered these beats you may consider playing two bar phrases combining beats from lesson three and four to add hi-hat independence.

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