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Drummers: Play Blazing Fast Doubles on your Kick Drum - click here.

Rock Lessons

Rock Drumming - Lesson One

This lesson is designed to introduce you to rock drumming. As the first in the Rock Drumming series, it starts you off with Rock beats in their simplest form. All beats are counted in 4/4 as quarter notes and should be counted out loud while you are first learning them. If you are unfamiliar with counting time, or reading notation, you can download the Introduction to BreakSticks Notation.

Rock Drumming - Lesson Two

This lesson takes rock drumming to the next level. All the beats on this pack are counted in 4/4 as eighth notes which should be counted - "one, and, two, and, three, and, four, and". They are all based around kick drum pattern changes to help you create basic kick independence. Master these grooves and you will be well on your way to becoming a solid rock drummer.

Rock Drumming - Lesson Three

This lesson features some fairly creative Rock beats. All of the grooves are counted in 4/4 as eighth notes, but include added complexity overall. The patterns start out relatively simple, but begin get harder as the kick and snare patterns begin to shift. You are sure to come across some unique beats here that will give you some new ideas when developing grooves of your own.

Rock Drumming - Lesson Four

This lesson adds further complexity to the Rock beats by including sixteenth notes. These are also the first beats in this series where the kick drum patterns aren't always lining up with a hi-hat stroke. All beats are still in 4/4, but are now counted in combinations of eighth and sixteenth notes. Sixteen notes are generally counted "one, e, and, a, two, e, and, a, three, e, and, a, four, e, and, a".

Rock Drumming - Lesson Five

This lesson includes a wide range of beats that are sure to push your drum skills to the next level. As with the last lesson - all the beats in this pack are 4/4 in combinations of eighth and sixteenth notes. Together they are designed to improve you kick foot control and overall independence. These grooves are fairly complex, so be sure you master them one at a time.

Rock Drumming - Lesson Six

This lesson is designed to improve your snare control within Rock playing. All the beats in this pack page are 4/4 in combinations of eighth and sixteenth notes. The kick patterns are relatively simple, but the unique snare change-ups create some interesting grooves. This is sure to build up your snare-hand speed, control, and independence.

Rock Drumming - Lesson Seven

This lesson takes snare control to the next level. All the beats in this pack are played in 4/4 as combinations of eighth and sixteenth notes. The patterns are sure to challenge your snare hand to all new levels of control. Master these beats and you will definately be a step above the average rock drummer!

Rock Drumming - Lesson Eight

This lesson continues where the last left off - adding even more complexity. All beats are in 4/4 as combinations of eighth and sixteenth notes. The snare and kick patterns get slightly more complex, and will further assist in developing your limb independence. Many of these beats may not seem applicable to average rock, but they are still very important to learn. The skills you develop here will go a long way to improving your drum abilities.

Rock Drumming - Lesson Nine

This lesson begins to layer kick and snare patterns together in more complex ways. As with previous lessons - all of the beats are 4/4 with combinations of eighth and sixteenth notes. The kicks and snare hits line up in new and more challenging ways, but the overall concept is the same. Just remember to focus on playing these beats with as much groove as you would any plain and simple pattern. Everything should feel as natural and loose as possible.

Rock Drumming - Lesson Ten

This lesson combines all that you've learned so far into some new and unique patterns. These grooves will further enhance your independence while pushing you to continue thinking in new and creative ways. All beats are in 4/4 as eighth and sixteenth notes, and simply add new elements for you to conquer.

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