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Single Paradiddle - Lesson One

This lesson introduces you to playing the single paradiddle in a drum beat format. Most of the beats may appear fairly complex at first, but don't be discouraged. They are all based around the single paradiddle in it's most basic form (r, l, r, r, l, r, l, l...). There are some accents to watch for, but nothing too out of the ordinary. You may find it easier to ignore the accents at first, and incorporate them as you become more comfortable with the beats.

Single Paradiddle - Lesson Two

This lesson takes the single paradiddle beats to the next level. You will begin playing the patterns on more drums and in more complex ways. Be sure you pay special attention to each beat, as it can be easy to scan over some of the intricacies that make up the grooves. The tom and snare patterns can be somewhat difficult at first, but as long as you work through them slowly at first - you should have no problem.

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